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Preparing for the new season at the coaches' seminar

Programos koordinatoriai

On 16 - 17 September, the programme held its traditional seminar for coaches and volunteers who will work with youth in the 2022-2023 season. The programme coordinators were delighted to see that all the coaches from the 11 participating teams came to the seminar. The fact that the coaching team has not changed for three years in a row is also pleasing, as the programme manager Arminas Vareika said: "Continuity in the youth program is a critical factor in achieving the goals, so keeping the same coaches is very important".

YC coaches and volunteers

The seminar was opened by Aistė Baronaitė-Bertašienė, the program's Educator, who gave an overview of the plan for the new season and the updated Coach's Handbook, as well as an introduction to the international project "We play together", in which we will participate. Programme coordinator Benas Mačiulaitis invited the coaches to a discussion on the specifics of youth physiology and physical education. At the same time, the programme manager Arminas Vareika worked with the volunteers and strategized how to involve the alumni more actively in the programme activities. We ended the first evening with a reflection and continued to have fun in an informal environment and activities.

Coach Darius Gricius and Birutė Balžekienė present their ideas for the new format of the Games

The second day started with a morning exercise and sharing of good practices, during which the coaches presented their active methods they use in their daily work with youth. We completed the work and discussions from the first day, looking at how we will adapt to the increased travel costs for youth field trips and what format we will use to give the young people the joy of competing with other teams participating in the programme.

Program alumni Emilija and current participant Emilis present their lego constructions reflecting their emotions

In the final reflection of the two-day workshop, we invited participants to create an emotion out of Lego bricks to represent their experience. "I feel like I am in a family" was a very common sentiment. We are happy that we have managed to create a supportive community, which makes us feel safe and confident, even in the face of the world's adversities. We plan to invite youth to the activities in October. In 2022-2023, the programme is planned to be implemented in the following educational institutions:

  1. Alsėdžiai S. Narutavičius Gymnasium - coach Jurgita Krasauskienė;

  2. Ariogala Gymnasium - coaches Birutė Balžekienė and Darius Gricius;

  3. Joniškėlis Gabrielė Petkevičačaitė-Bitė Gymnasium - coach Danguolė Venckuvienė;

  4. Miroslavas gymnasium - coach Ingrida Rauličkienė;

  5. Pumpėnai Gymnasium - coach Eglė Mickeliūnienė;

  6. Šaukėnai Vladas Pūtvis-Putvinskis Gymnasium - coach Kristina Gotautienė;

  7. "Save the Children" Raguvėlė Children's Day Care Centre - coach Giedrė Imbrasienė;

  8. Pandėlya Gymnasium - coach Laurynas Mikšys;

  9. Football club Sveikata, Kybartai - coach Henrikas Katilius;

  10. Išlaužas Primary School - coach Rolandas Meškauskas;

  11. Kamajai, Antanas Strazdas gymnasium - coach Ema Valentaitė.

Our sincere thanks to Villa Forest Resort for the warm welcome and excellent venue for the seminar.


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